Vol.35 The coverage about juvenile ED in a weekly magazine called “Shūkan Gendai”
- Shibuya 3rd Block Clinic
- English Column List
【The coverage about juvenile ED in a weekly magazine called “Shūkan Gendai”】
The comment made by Furuichi Masayuki (vice-director of this practice) was introduced in an article about juvenile ED in the “Shūkan Gendai” which was published on 18th September 2010. The article’s title was “Can’t have an erection at 27 years old”
Hereafter, is a quotation from the article.
I called on Furuichi Masayuki the vice-director at ED treatment specialty clinic [Shibuya 3rd block clinic] which is located in Shibuya. I was shocked to hear him say “Well…you, too” when I told him about my case. What does he mean by saying “you, too”?
He continued that “At this clinic, the patients in their 20’s are increasing recently. In the last year, it was 20% of all patients. When including patients in their 30’s it was almost about 50%.”
It was surprising to know that about half of the patients who visited their practice for ED treatment were under 40 years old. I heard that there was no nationwide statistics yet, but as a result of visiting a few practices in Tokyo for the coverage, I found out that the number of patients in their 20’s is quite high and it reached 20 to 30% of all patients.
It’s said that there are about 10,000,000 ED patients including the potential patients, so for the young ED patient, there must be at least hundreds of thousands of them. I feel a little better knowing that I’m not the only one, though. Furuichi – vice-director said “First of all, you’ll need to know how serious your ED is” and he continued “There are six evaluation methods but the IIEF5‐ international erection functional score5 is the most popular in Japan”
– Omission (hereinafter, the topic has moved onto the cause of ED) –
I thought that there might be other reasons (rather than the stress at work and overstrain that could be a cause of ED). So I asked Furuichi – vice-director again. “In the case of young men, it’s true that the sexual complex and distress could be the cause of ED. For example, the sense of duty to make your partner feel better and the pressure from the previous experience of having unsuccessful sex could be the causes, and this could lead to problems in getting an erection”
Before the ED curative became popular, it was thought that to remove this kind of sexual distress was important. So according to him, the treatment included practicing foreplay and counseling with the partner at a hospital. He said “it’s not an easy method. There were even patients who burst into tears in a middle of counseling…. ” When he then asked me “Don’t you have any sexual concerns”, I suddenly remembered that I’m not that good at having sex, well…I actually don’t like it.
– Omission (the topic moved onto discussions about the sexual distress of the interviewer himself) –
“Just to reiterate, in case of the young men, the aversive and complexity to having sex often causes ED. For example, early ejaculation can be one of the causes” “Well, early ejaculation ……it rings a familiar bell.” “In fact, there is a close relationship between early ejaculation and ED. As the early ejaculation is officially recognized as a behavior associated as a cause of ED, it’s a subject of research in overseas countries. To receive treatment for the early ejaculation and get rid of the sexual anxiety may have a connection with your ED treatment.
As this is supplement information to the above article about the increase of juvenile ED, according to the research which was implemented in 1995 in Japan, the ratio of developing ED was 2.5% among men whose age range was 20 to 44 years old. Also according to another research which was implemented by the [investigating committee about the sex of the adult male] in1998, it was about 5% among men whose age range was 30 to 34 years old, and about 4% in the range of 35-39 years old. Also, according to the investigation with Keio University Urology Department which was implemented in 2002, it was 1.8% in the 20’s, 2.6% in 30’s and 8.6% in the 40’s.
In 1995-2002 when above 3 investigations were implemented, it seems that the ED critical percentage in the young male roughly didn’t change. But, looking at the actual situation, the more youth tend to visit the practice which specializes in ED treatment in recent years, the possibility of juvenile ED patients increasing is quite high and we’d better pay attention closely to the investigations in the future. In regard to more information about juvenile ED and its causes, we are going to talk about this in the next column which is titled “Is it true that juvenile ED has been increasing?”
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- Vol.35 The coverage about juvenile ED in a weekly magazine called "Shūkan Gendai"

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